Facebook, MySpace and Class Divisions

Danah Boyd has posted a provocative essay on the class divisions she sees in the users of MySpace vs. Facebook. This is actually a phenomenon I've noticed myself in the past several months as I watch my 15 year old move from MySpace to Facebook and get her perspective on who in her high school is making the shift to Facebook and who is staying on MySpace. Danah's premise, in... Read more →

Robin Good on Educating the "Net Generation"

Robin Good has another great article today on Educating the Net Generation. Ironic, given my previous post on the digital divide. I completely agree that many in this new generation of kids are a different breed, with different approaches to learning and that schools need to learn to adapt their teaching protocols accordingly. But I also think that characterizing all learners as being this net savvy obscures the very real... Read more →

Vox is Open for Business

I love Typepad--we created this blog using Typepad and compared to Blogger, I think it has an incredibly easy-to-use interface and great opportunities to create a look. Now the gang at Six Apart has created a new blogging tool, Vox, which just came out of beta. I have to say that for the "personal blogger" it's probably even easier and more fun to use than Typepad. They've integrated Flickr, Photobucket,... Read more →

Teens & Technology

I do a lot of work with youth employment and training programs. One of my major clients is Job Corps, which operates mostly residential training programs for economically disadvantaged youth all over the country. I've also helped design U.S. DOL-sponsored youth training programs in local areas working with smaller, community-based organizations. In the years that I've been working with youth programs, I have been consistently saddened by the lack of... Read more →