For this week's Web 2.0 Wednesday activity, we're going to tie in with our ongoing series on using blogs for learning. Your task is simple--share your favorite blogging for learning activity. You can do so in comments here or write your own blog post to share. If you blog about it, be sure to use the "web2.0wednesday" tag and then leave me a link here in comments. Looking forward to... Read more →

Maybe it's the economy. Maybe it's the nasty turn the American Presidential campaign is taking. Maybe it's that I'm feeling a little stressed out from the different projects I have going on right now. All I know is that I think we could all use a little love this week, so here's your project for Web 2.0 Wednesday (a day early, unless you're "down under"). Do a Digital Favor for... Read more →

Web 2.0 Wednesday: Find an Expert

Over on the Work Literacy: Web 2.0 for Learning Professionals Ning where we're on day three of the course, one of the more active forum discussions has been on getting value out of LinkedIn. Fortunately for us, Tony Karrer is a whiz at using LinkedIn to find expertise and he's recorded a couple of excellent screencasts to show the rest of us how it's done. For this week's Web 2.0... Read more →

Web 2.0 Wednesday: Make a Comic

One of the newest things on the learning landscape, I've noticed, is the use of comics. Dan Pink's career guide, "The Adventures of Johnny Bunko," is one example, and I've also seen some comics designed to teach you things like physics and chemistry. With that in mind, I thought it would be fun to devote this week's Web 2.0 Wednesday to making a comic. You can use any topic you... Read more →

Web 2.0 Wednesday: Uncover Your Personal Brand

For this week's Web 2.0 Wednesday activity, I'm turning to an interesting post by Steve Woodruff, where he says: People often question if they “need” a personal brand. Here’s the news - you already HAVE a personal brand. The only questions are, what is it? And are you projecting it effectively? When people see you, think of you, and relate to you, words and images and feelings come to mind.... Read more →

Web 2.0 Wednesday: How Do You Manage Your Online Time?

One of the beauties of Web 2.0 is that it gives you opportunities for online interaction on a 24/7 basis. That's also one of its curses. The combination of broadband and interactive tools like Facebook, Twitter and blogs means that many of us are spending a LOT of time socializing and doing things online. For this week's Web 2.0 Wednesday activity, I'd like to us do some reflecting. Here's the... Read more →

Web 2.0 Wednesday: Create a Web 2.0 "Icebreaker" Activity

Starting in September, I'll be working as lead instructor for the Nonprofit Roundtable of Greater Washington's Future Executive Directors' Fellowship program. We'll meet once a month for some intensive face-to-face sessions, but we'll be facilitating our learning in between classes through a special Ning network we've set up. This has me thinking about online icebreakers, so I thought that would make a great Web 2.0 Wednesday activity for the week.... Read more →

Web 2.0 Wednesday: Poll Madness!

For this week's Web 2.0 Wednesday, we're going to have a little fun with polls, which thanks to the joys of advanced technology, can be embedded in just about anything. You're actually going to have two opportunities to play with polls--first by participating in one and second, by creating one of your own. Of course, as always, what you choose to do is up to you. Participate in a Poll!... Read more →

Web 2.0 Wednesday: Make Us a Web 2.0 Wednesday Logo

I admit that this week's activity is a little selfish, but hey, sometimes that's how I roll. Here's the deal. I'd love to have a logo we can use for Web 2.0 Wednesday activities, so I'm thinking that crowdsourcing is a good idea. And here's how we can tie it into Web 2.0 Wednesday: Use Flickr to find some Creative Commons-licensed photos or graphics to use. Be sure to look... Read more →

Web 2.0 Wednesday: Create Some Mobile Learning

On Monday, I blogged about some potential tools for "on-the-road" learning, which I'm defining as learning that takes place away from your desk. For this week's Web 2.0 Wednesday task, I'm going to build off that post and ask you to use a Web 2.0 tool to share some "on-the-road" learning. Some potential ideas: Use your cell phone and GCast to record a quickie podcast. This could be lunch-time interview... Read more →