Guest Blogging on Scarcity and Abundance at Dollar Philanthropy

Last month, I blogtipped Carol Kirshner of Dollar Philanthropy and made the "mistake" of telling her that I liked her Guest Blogger feature. A few weeks later, after I began my journey into scarcity and abundance, she emailed me and asked if I'd be willing to do a guest post for her on the topic. I was incredibly flattered, but in the middle of some major work stuff, so it... Read more →

March Blogtipping

As promised, I'm taking up Kivi's blogtipping challenge. The brainchild of Easton Ellsworth at Business BlogWire, blogtipping is a first of the month "tip of the hat" to three blogs you want to give exposure to. You name three things you like about the blog and provide one tip. This time I want to highlight "smaller" blogs in the nonprofit world that I like but who don't have the same... Read more →