Nptech Link Love

A few good nonprofit tech pieces in my feed reader from the past week. Read/Write Web It was nonprofit week over at Read/Write Web and they had some great posts. Two of my favorites: Nonprofits' Web Tool Kit--a nice round-up of various nptech resources, from tools to build a website to the ever-popular fund-raising options. Notes from the Real World--From one of my favorite nptech bloggers, Beth Kanter, a post... Read more →

31 Days to a Better Blog--Day 8: Write a Link Post

Darren's task for today's 31 Days to Building a Better Blog was to look at the ads on my site. Since I don't run ads, that wasn't going to work for me, so I decided to go back to Darren's previous post, 7 Days to Rediscovering Your Blogging Groove, to find inspiration for today. This is where the link post comes in.I'm going to share some of what I've been... Read more →

Clearing My Feeds: Facebook, Change Management, & Personal Learning

Once again, some things in my feedreader that I wanted to get to . . Facebook Awhile ago I wrote a post on using Facebook in nonprofits. I haven't had a lot of time to get back into it, but fortunately for you, Soha El-Borno at Wild Apricot has been hard at work. Her most recent contribution is on using the Causes widget to promote your nonprofit. Also check out... Read more →

Link Love

I'm on my way out the door to a conference and have a bunch of things in my "blog this" file that I wanted to clear out. So today is Link Love Day. I'd suggest a quick scroll through the topics to see if anything catches your fancy as these are really random. On Management The Cranky Middle Manager has a new podcast on managing 4 generations at work. Good... Read more →