Change Your Frames, Change Your Career Story

“Frames are mental structures. As a result, they shape the goals we seek, the plans we make, the way we act, and what counts as a good or bad outcome of our actions. Reframing is changing the way the public sees the world. . . . Because language activates frames, new language is required for new frames. Thinking differently requires speaking differently.” --George Lakoff, Don't Think of an Elephant I... Read more →

The Power of the "What"

In the past few days, I've had several people tell me about new jobs and plans that are finally panning out for them. After weeks or months of muddling and messiness, they find themselves back on the road--and it feels good. What shifted for them was that they became very clear about WHAT they wanted. They put work into clarifying their vision for the careers they wanted to create for... Read more →

Learning Together

(Socrates) introduced the idea that individuals could not be intelligent on their own, that they need someone else to stimulate them. . . His brilliant idea was that if two unsure individuals were put together, they could achieve what they could not do separately; they could discover the truth, their own truth, for themselves. --Theodore Zeldin, An Intimate History of Humanity For many years, I suffered from undiagnosed depression. Eventually... Read more →

Knowing What to Do vs. Having the Will To Do It

I've had a lot of conversations with people about the choices they face in their lives. We can spend hours trying to get clarity, trying to narrow choices and get to the heart of things. Days, weeks, months, even years can be spent trying to "figure things out." Most of the time this process is for naught because they are chasing the wrong question. Instead of asking "what do I... Read more →

Pursuing Your Dream

Cathy Scott writes in Forbes on how to leave an unsatisfying job and pursue your dream career: How-to guides are regularly published about the process of pursuing new careers. I, however, don’t believe a guide can show you exactly how to do that. You have to first believe in yourself, and then take a risk. (my emphasis) Otherwise, you will stay in a dead-end job afraid to step away from... Read more →

Two Creative Ways to Seem Like You're Making a Decision When You're Not

Our careers are all about decisions. What do I do and when? How do I know when to act? Through conversations with others, as well as observing my own behavior, I've discovered a couple of creative strategies to LOOK like we're making decisions, when, in fact, we are not. Crowdsourcing the Decision A regular reader of this blog (she knows who she is!) tells me she's excellent at crowdsourcing her... Read more →

For a social artist, their in-breath is observing, allowing, listening, and understanding and their out-breath is connecting, enriching, inspiring, and enlivening. As with any artist, they seek out opportunities to stretch their capabilities beyond what they could imagine. ----Polly Superstar For months now I've been trying to get a handle on what it is I'm trying to do as I make shifts in my own career. I operate better when... Read more →

Boredom: "The Secret Ailment"

We have to face the fact that most men and women out there in the world of work are more stale than they know, more bored than they would care to admit. Boredom is the secret ailment of large-scale organizations. Someone said to me the other day "How can I be so bored when I'm so busy?" And I said "Let me count the ways." Logan Pearsall Smith said that... Read more →

Do You Need a Sabbatical?

A disturbing article in Forbes this week on why Millennial women are burning out by 30: Today, 53% of corporate entry-level jobs are held by women, a percentage that drops to 37% for mid-management roles and 26% for vice presidents and senior managers, according to McKinsey research. Men are twice as likely as women to advance at each career transition stage. One rationale is that men are more likely than... Read more →

Intuition, Scarcity and Experimentation

When I first started planning several months ago for more seriously offering career clarity and professional development workshops, one of the things I was considering was pricing. What do I offer and how do I price it? At one point a thought popped into my head. I could offer everything I do for free, asking people to only pay after they received the service according to how much value they... Read more →