Passion-Based Learning from Amir Ahmad

I'm a BIG fan of basing your learning on your passions. My personal opinion is that true learning only takes place when we're passionate about the topic. So I was excited to find a new blog written by 21 (!) year-old Amir Ahmad called Passion-based Learning. Right out of the gate he has two great pieces, one on 7 Easy, Powerful Steps to Create a Personal Learning Environment (which, of... Read more →

Carnival News

A Carnival Round-Up of sorts: Michelle Murrain of Zen and the Art of Nonprofit Technology is hosting this week's Carnival of Nonprofit Consultants. She has a nice set of posts on dealing with nonprofit data. In related news, Kivi Leroux Miller, founder of the Carnival of Nonprofit Consultants, has five tips from experience on starting your own Carnival. I've already bookmarked the page so I can take her advice for... Read more →

March Blogtipping

As promised, I'm taking up Kivi's blogtipping challenge. The brainchild of Easton Ellsworth at Business BlogWire, blogtipping is a first of the month "tip of the hat" to three blogs you want to give exposure to. You name three things you like about the blog and provide one tip. This time I want to highlight "smaller" blogs in the nonprofit world that I like but who don't have the same... Read more →