Working Out Loud: Appreciative Goals, Staying Relevant and The Value of a Personal Newsletter
How is "Mega Problem Denial Syndrome" Impacting Your Career?

Career Success Practice: Keep a "Damn I DID that!" List

Damn i did that

My friend and colleague Melissa Rowe of Capture Greatness keeps a list she calls her "Oh sh*t, I DID that!" list where she captures all of her accomplishments for the year. 

Melissa does this as an annual exercise, but as another friend, Rebecca Fabiano pointed out earlier this week, spending some time at the end of each month thinking about this question can be a great strategy for giving you more immediate feedback on whether or not you're achieving your goals

It's also an excellent way to feel a sense of progress, which can sometimes be sorely lacking when we get buried in our list of "To Do's" each day. 

When I look back over my January list of accomplishments, here are a few:

  • Launched another cohort of my Speedy Startup group, where I'm working with people who are unemployed to start up their own small businesses. 
  • Started a year-long organizational development project with FNC in Philadelphia where we are working on using appreciative inquiry and art of hosting techniques to create a more inclusive, transparent space for making change in local communities. 
  • Conducted two online coaching events for the volunteer coaches of the New Start Career Network, a project I'm working on with Rutgers University that supports NJ residents over age 45 who have been unemployed for 6 months or more. 

I also managed to stick with my plans to end my work days by reflecting on what happened that day and new questions or insights that emerged for me, which was an accomplishment in being disciplined, let me tell you!

Putting the list together was pretty easy--I looked back over my calendar and my daily journal reflections to pull it together.

My plan is to add this to my Yearbook journal for the month of January so it will be there for my year-end reflections--or when I need to remind myself that I do actually accomplish some things. 

So what's on your "Damn I DID that!" list for January? And how could keeping a list like this help you in your career?  I'd love to hear your thoughts and celebrate your successes! 


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