What's the Most Challenging and Exciting Career Development Opportunity You've Experienced?
In our work and careers (and in life, for that matter), we tend to focus on what David Cooperrider calls "Deficit Discussions." We ask questions about what's not working or what's wrong and generally treat everything as a problem to be solved.
For sure this is how I see so many of us approach our career planning. We tend to think about it most when we feel dissatisfied or when external forces like a lay-off force us to consider what we might do next.
This week, I want to invite you to join me in exploring the best in your career--what gives you life and energy? What do you want MORE of?
For the next few days, I'm going to post a positive question from the Encyclopedia of Positive Questions by Dianna Whitney and I'm going to invite you to respond to that question via comments so that we can gather stories of positive career experiences and learn together about what gives life to our work.
I also want to suggest that this would be a fantastic way to connect with friends or colleagues--taking 30 minutes or so to interview each other, using these questions.
So here's the first question.
Career Development
In today's rapidly changing environments, an organization's success depends on the learning capacity of its members. In successful organizations career development is a responsibility shared between the organization and its employees. Career coaching, training and opportunities for advancement demonstrate the organization's value for career development. When people are committed to career development, they are in a mode of continuous learning about their job and about themselves. They focus on their unique gifts and talents and their contribution to the organization. As people develop, they have more to offer their team and the organization. Everyone benefits from learning.
- Tell me about the most challenging and exciting career development opportunity you have experienced. What was it? Why did you decide on it? What made it challenging and exciting? How did you benefit? How did the organization benefit?
- How do you learn best? Tell me about a time when you learned something very challenging. What contributed to your learning?
- Tell me about the work experience in which you have learned the most. Tell me about the situation. Who else was involved and what did they do? What did you do to foster your own development? What made this a highpoint learning experience?
If responding to all 3 parts of this question feels like too much, pick just one aspect and respond to that. Or talk with someone else about it and then let me know how the conversations went via comments. I'm looking forward to hearing from you!
Join Rebecca Fabiano and I this Thursday, January 14, at 7 p.m. (EST) on Blab when we'll be talking Leadership 2016 Resolutions. How do you want to grow as a leader this year? What are your goals and how do you plan to get there? What are your favorite resources for leadership growth? It will be a fun, interesting conversation--we hope you can be there!
You can follow this conversation by subscribing to the comment feed for this post.