A Resilience Manifesto
To thrive, we focus not on trying to be happy all the time, but on becoming resilient in our lives. Here's my Resilience Manifesto. It's a work in progress.
Know your personal vision and formula for thriving--how does your life look and feel when you are focused on thriving? What does it take to get there?
Act from inspiration, not desperation.
Get curious about your life. Ask more questions and worry less about answers.
Words create worlds--how can you live into the story of your life and find the words to tell a story that celebrates your power and resilience, rather than what feels broken or stuck?
“To go fast, go alone. To go far, go together.” Life is a marathon, not a sprint. Who do you want to run with?
Pay attention.
Live more of your own life and less of someone else’s.
Go for direction, not destination.
Know when you have clarity, but need courage.
Have more conversations and talk about what’s most important, not what’s “acceptable.”
Find your sparks. Share them with others. Become a Champion for others to find and express their sparks.
Be your own hero.
Stop being the hero for others and start being the host. Create space for them to find their own inner heroism.
Give yourself permission.
Plan less. Experiment more.
Set goals to please your future self.
Make your own path. Don't follow someone else's.
Trust the mess. Getting lost will help you find yourself.
Know the difference between stuck and resting. Let yourself rest.
Feel and listen to your emotions. Quit shutting them down. Let them tell you what you need to hear, especially when you don't want to hear it.
Find ways to dance, sing, play and draw your way to transformation. Grow through your joy and ease as much as through your trials and tribulations.
If you don’t like something, stop complaining and change it.