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Sign up for Career Clarity Camp--If You're Ready to Get Clear


I'm excited to announce that I'll be running a month-long Online Career Clarity Camp from October 10--November 7, 2011.  

Who Should Participate? 

I put this camp together for people who are ready to:

  • Move from Career Certainty to Career Clarity--For people who recognize that there is no certainty when it comes to our careers, so we have to gain clarity about ourselves and our opportunities in order to embrace uncertainty. 
  • Become the Start-up of You, whether that means working for themselves or building their start-up skills and mentality for work in a "what have you done for me lately?" economy. 

What's Going to Happen in this Camp?

I'm going to warn you up front that this will be pretty intense. During the camp we're going to be engaging in a really deliberate cycle of Action/Reflection. You won't be able to just sit back and read. You'll need to be ready do some work. But I promise it will be fun and interesting. 

Each week of the camp will be arranged around a theme:

  • Week 1--EXPLORE--Dreaming Possible Selves:  In the first week, you'll explore the question, "Who Could I Be?'  and you'll identify some potential options. You'll then pick one of your options to work with throughout the rest of the course.  We'll also talk about the whole messy, muddy process of career re-invention and how to get through it without going crazy.
  • Week 2--EXPERIENCE--Experimenting with Possible Selves:  During this week you'll devise some experiments for beginning to try out and explore a new career identity. We learn best from experience, so we'll explore different ways that you can begin using experiments to learn more about what you do and don't want. This is Action Week!
  • Week 3--EXPAND--Networking and Building Up Experiences: During the 3rd week, you will continue implementing your experiments from Week 2. You will also expand your exposure to people and experiences that may be able to support your potential career vision. Another week of action, with some Reflection thrown in. 
  • Week 4--EVOLVE--Revising and Evolving Your Career Story: In the final week of the course, we will start to synthesize what you've learned and look at how it has impacted your career vision and the opportunitities you may want to explore. You'll also put together some next steps.  

Each Monday I will post the assignments for the week, along with a suggested daily schedule you can use to keep yourself on track. You'll have complete freedom to decide when and how you want to do your assignments. 

I will also host one or more "live" sessions each Monday. Depending on the number of people who sign up and their locations, I may do a few sessions scheduled at different times of the day.  I want to try to work with participants' schedules as much as I can. 

During the live sessions, I will introduce that week's topic and take you through some initial exercises to get you started. These sessions will be recorded and archived so that you are able to access them later to review. You'll also be able to watch the archived sessions if you were unable to attend that week's event. 

What Do I Get from All of This? 

By the end of the Career Clarity Camp you'll have:

  • Greater clarity about your career situation and goals. I can't promise that you'll have EVERYTHING figured out. But you will have learned a process that you can continue to use to further explore and expand your options.  
  • New habits and tools for managing your career on an ongoing basis.
  • Clear action steps to move you closer to your goals.
  • Connections to other Campers who are seeking their own clarity and who can help you in your journey to move forward. 

Why Should I Take This Camp with You?

I am a certified Career Development Facilitator Instructor with over 15 years of experience in working with people to help them figure out what they want to be when they grow up. I've also had extensive experience in running a variety of career workshops and retreats, so I have many tricks up my sleeve. 

I don't have all the answers--that's where you come in! But I can create the space and activities for you to explore where you want to go. Through this course, you'll have access to a really cool visualization tool--the VisualsSpeak Image Center--that can help you find insights you may be missing, plus some great activities.

And if past workshops are any indication, you'll be connecting with some really interesting, fun people, too. Working in a group is one of the best ways to find career clarity. Conversations with others can help you feel less isolated and give you ideas and insights you aren't able to find on your own--or even one-on-one with a career counselor or coach.  I've always been really pleased with the quality of the interactions and sharing in my courses. The participants are simply amazing!

What's My Investment?

Your investment in the Career Clarity Camp is:

  • $99 USD for a month of activities and Career Clarity resources, 4 weekly live events plus a bonus wrap-up session, access to the VisualsSpeak Image Center, and interactions with your fellow Career Clarity Campers. (NOTE--This is a special introductory price I'm offering for this first round. When I offer the course again, the price will be going up! ) And $99 is a great deal--that's about the price of a cup of coffee per day. Your professional development is worth $3 a day, isn't it? 
  • About 2.5 to 3.5 hours per week of your time for the activities and the weekly live events. 

I'm Convinced! How Do I Participate? 

You can register and pay for the camp here.

There's a form for you to complete to send me your basic information and then you can pay for the camp through that page as well. 

Within 24 hours of you submitting your registration, I will send you follow-up information about the course and some pre-work to do prior to when we begin. 

What If I Want More Information?

If you need more info before you make a final commitment, feel free to email me at michelemmartin(at) I'm happy to answer any questions! 



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