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10 Questions for Your Reflective Practice

Meredith Levinson has posted a series of 6 excellent questions to identify change agents and innovators during a job interview that she got from Amanda Hite, founder and president of recruiting and HR consulting firm Talent Revolution.

It occurs to me that these six questions would also be great thought starters for both individual and organizational reflective practice. They are:

  1. What do you do to build, manage and maintain your network?
  2. If I Google you, what will I find?
  3. What do you do to stay focused?
  4. What do you do to stay relevant?
  5. What innovative solutions have you created?
  6. Walk me through a time when you administered change.

To this list I would add,

    7.   What important problems or questions do you see facing our industry? Your occupation?
    8.   What do you do to expose yourself to new ideas and new thinking on a regular basis?
    9.   What big mistake have you made recently and what did you learn from it?
    10. What matters to you? What are you passionate about? What gets you up in the morning or 
keeps you awake at night?


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I will add this one:
How do no manage to keep the big picture of the web?

Hi Michele
Thought this was an excellent post.I work for an organisation that is just begining to introduce workplace coaches into our learning progams. Reflective practice becomes an essential tool in this process (as with mentoring)in order to not only address issues that arise but also extend learning.

Hi Michele,

Thanks for the mention!

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