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Your Guide to Job Search and Personal Branding on Twitter

Twitter--the 140 character social networking site--is becoming increasingly useful for job seekers. It doesn't work for everyone, of course, but it can certainly turbo-charge your networking, a key strategy for successful job hunting. It can also be an effective part of your personal branding campaign.

Here, then, is a (somewhat) definitive link guide to getting a new job (or losing your current one) through Tweeting. (I put this together for a client, so thought it would be nice to share).

Getting Started on Twitter--If you're new to Twitter. . .

Twitter Skills & Culture--You'd think it would be easy to type 140 characters and go, but like all social networks, Twitter has a culture that requires some skill to navigate. Ignore this section at your own risk.

Pimp Your Profile--Think of your Twitter profile as your "digital interview suit." First impressions count.

Twitter for Job Search--The nitty gritty of job searching on Twitter.

People and Sites to Follow

Job Search Tips and Tools

Case Studies

Twitter Brand Building--The Twitter job search is also about building your online brand.

Twitter Fails--Twitter isn't rocket science. These mistakes can be avoided with a little forethought.


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I have starred this post. Excellent links for all the questions Twitter users might have. Thanks.

While I'm not currently looking for a job, I think it behooves everyone to follow the latest tricks of the trade and be prepared. Plus -- I know MANY college grads who ARE. I'd sent one a story (old-fashioned newsprint!) at the beginning of the year on using Twitter and other new media, and will send her this as well. I also am giving her, as her graduation gift, a great book on landing the right job, Job Coach for Young Professionals. It encompasses the entire search. I always think it's good to embrace both the new and the time-tested.

You've compiled a comprehensive and really helpful post, Michele.

I was taking advantage of all the resources you include here, trying to pick up Twitter tips and fill in gaps. Imagine my surprise and delight when I clicked on the link for "Leveraging Twitter to Market Your Personal Brand" and it opened to a blog post of mine! Thanks so much for including it in this stellar list.

I caution my executive clients that, although Twitter offers job search value when approached with a solid strategic plan, they should take care not to let Twitter become a time-waster.

Before you know it, an hour or two can pass noodling around on Twitter which could have been better spent on job search efforts with much stronger ROIs.

BTW, your blog is just wonderful!

Thanks again,


A lot of things have been said about Twitter as it becomes more and more intertwined in our lives. This article certainly adds to that, great piece!

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