Random Thoughts
Working with the Many Little Hurdles to Social Media Adoption

Your Favorite Leadership Articles?

I'm working with a youth leadership program that will bring together HS sophomores with leaders from government, business, nonprofits and the media to explore the concepts of leadership in these different areas. We'd like to share a few articles with the participants---stuff that gets them thinking. I have a few ideas but would love to get your feedback.

What are your favorite articles on leadership? Drop me a note in comments. Depending on what I get back, I'll do a follow-up link post.


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Anything by Meg Wheatley, thought this articles, http://www.margaretwheatley.com/articles/Wheatley-WhatIsOurRole.pdf may be most accessible to them. Her website has most of her articles/essays freely available.
Some of the clips here may also be useful for starting conversations.

Missed the link (I am not very coherent at this time of day!) http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=D1204DAE4DCD8B42

Missed the link (I am not very coherent at this time of day!) http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=D1204DAE4DCD8B42

My favorite guru on leadership is Marshall Goldsmith. I have found his simple technique of identifying one habit to change and involving the whole team in the change to be beautiful. A good summary of his coaching technique is on his website:

Jan and Dan--thanks for the resources. This is helpful stuff. What's helpful, too, is that these emphasize some simple, but really important ideas. Thanks!

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