Free Online Job Club--Need Your Help!
A Week Without Google

Career Commons is Open for Business

Career commons 2
Per my post on Friday, I've now set up the Career Commons community on Ning. I've seeded it with some initial content, but hope that if/when the community builds, more will be added.

I've also scheduled our first informal webinar for February 9, 2009 at 12 noon (EST).

Please note that the webinar will be limited to the first 15 people who RSVP, so please go here and let me know if you plan to attend. We'll be using Go-To-Meeting, so once you RSVP, I'll send you the log-in info. Note that with Go-to-Meeting you'll be able to either use your phone or your computer and headset for the audio portion.

I've already had some great response through comments and email. Please feel free to continue spreading the word if you know of anyone who might be interested in participating.


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I have already joined the community. Although I'm unlikely to get a job through Career Commons since I'm in China, I will definitely enjoy connecting with fellow jobseekers and with internet and network, there might be interesting opportunities. who knows:)

Hi Michele, Very cool!

Michele, I'm reminded of a service by the Employment Development Department here in California called Experience Unlimited. It's a peer-help model, where there has been developed content for courses on interviewing, resumes, searching, etc.

People get to take the intro courses, and then earn the right to other courses by working in the group; it can be teaching the courses (what I did), or marketing, or organizing or...

So, one suggestion would be to have some wikis where people can create and improve resources around strategies and tactics on job searching. I'd share the content, but I don't have it digitally (nor do I know whether I'd have the rights). Still have the folders.

BTW, it didn't work for me; I became an independent consultant, too niche...:)

Thanks for your comments everyone and Clark, great idea on the wiki. That's definitely something I'll look into as things develop.

Can you send me more information?



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