Dealing with The Tyranny of Now
The Company We Keep--and the Environment We Make

What Are the Rules of Your New Ecosystem?

Ecosystem Seth Godin has an interesting post:

Businesses live in ecosystems. A series of rules and assumptions that, taken together, make a thriving mechanism. . . .

We get stuck because we believe that the rules of our ecosystem are permanent and transferable. In fact, they are almost always temporary and rarely transferable.

My approach now is simple: take a look at the rules of the new ecosystem. Do they make sense? Is it possible they'll come to pass? If they do, what happens to you?

This seems like some good career advice to consider in turbulent times. In our jobs, within our organizations and industries, what new rules and assumptions form our new ecosystem? If they come to pass, what does that mean for us? How does the new system change:

  • Our customers?
  • Our industry?
  • Our roles and responsibilities?
  • The skills needed to do our jobs?
  • The ways we develop new skills?
  • The people we work and interact with on a daily basis?
  • Where we do our work?
  • The tools we use?
  • How we communicate and collaborate with people around us?
  • How we think about ourselves and the work that we do?

The answers to these questions can give us a way forward, a path from the old to the new. If we haven't been having these conversations, maybe we need to start them now.

So what are the new rules of your ecosystem? How do you need to adapt?

Flickr photo via ecostaticist


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Great food for thought....what doesn't change is the need to be great at what we do, to listen to our customer, clients, students and colleagues, to give them what they want and anticipate what they need. What doesn't change is the need to network. What doesn't change is to recognize opportunity, to stay healthy and positive, and to be responsible for our own happiness and morale.

More thoughts on system changes in my link.

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