What to Say the Next Time Someone Asks Why They Should Blog
Negative Online Behavior is a Product of Culture, Not Your Social Media Tools: What I'm Learning from the Work Literacy Course

Some LinkedIn Resources

View SlideShare presentation or Upload your own. (tags: linkedin kawasaki)

It must be LinkedIn day, because in addition to this great presentation I found from Guy Kawasaki, I also see that LinkedIn has launched a suite of Applications that you can add to your profile, including apps for:

  • Your Amazon Reading List
  • Slideshare
  • Linking your Wordpress or Typepad posts to your profile
  • Box.net so you can share documents via your profile
  • Google Presentation
  • Company Buzz so you can see what people are saying about you on Twitter

Chris Brogan has more about how you should be using LinkedIn Applications here. Still some bugs to be worked out, though. I've been trying to add my blog and it's been doing some funky things.


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Thanks, Michele! This is good news. :)

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