Working/Learning Carnival--September 2008 Edition
I got some great posts for September's version of the Working/Learning Carnival. I'd hoped to have my own post ready to go by today, but that apparently will not be happening. Between getting myself ready for this week's Leadership Retreat and the Brandon Hall Innovations in Learning Conference next week, plus taking care of all the work that won't get done while I'm gone, I'm in a serious time crunch. My Working/Learning tip for the month is "learn when to say 'no.'"
Luckily other wonderful bloggers WERE able to contribute some great stuff, so without further ado:
- From Working/Learning Carnival founder, Dave Ferguson comes this post on Learning: Linking Up or Working Out? in which Dave considers a question raised by Christy Tucker as part of the Downes/Seimens connectivism course.
- Anastasia Pryanikova shares Step 21 in her Orientation to Learning Series on becoming a better learner. This one is on "Inspired Learning" and how to construct a personal learning curriculum. Check out the other 20 steps in the series--there's a lot of great material there! One of my previous posts on using the Personal MBA model to develop a personal learning plan might be helpful too.
- In her contribution, Virginia Yonkers suggests that we need better ways to prepare workers for learning and to measure their informal learning experiences. I couldn't agree more, Virginia.
- Jasmin Tragas responds to my question on how to keep motivated for ongoing learning and points out that social media has been a huge boost for her.
- Elisa Ortiz also responds to the motivational issue in her post on what has worked for her. Stretch assignments are one way, she suggests, to get yourself revved up about learning again.
Thanks to everyone for your contributions!
Learning to say no is a vital part of connecting, I think. People talk a lot about how the brain builds neurons; we tend to forget that another vital function is the pruning that occurs (especially in early childhood and again in adolescence).
Thanks for being a good (and a candid) host for the carnival.
Posted by: Dave Ferguson | September 15, 2008 at 08:42 AM