Web 2.0 for Learning Professionals--First Module is Up
Gender and Blogging and Top 25 Lists, Oh My!

Sign up for the Free eLearning Guild Webinar on eLearning 2.0

360elearning20cover On Thursday, October 2, at 11:30 a.m. (EST) the eLearning Guild will be hosting a free webinar to discuss their most recent 360 Report on e-Learning 2.0.

I'll be there with report co-authors, Tony Karrer, Brent Schlenker, Jane HartMark Oehlert, Steve Wexler, and Sanjay Parker. (Unfortunately Will Thalheimer won't be able to join us.)

If you want to learn more about how social media is being used for learning in companies, colleges/universities and other organizations, you should definitely sign up to join us. We'll be discussing key findings from the report, including adoption rates, drivers of change, and the status of various Web 2.0 tools within the enterprise. Very interesting stuff, I promise.

The price is right--FREE and OPEN TO ANYONE!

You can sign up here.


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