Avoiding "Inbox Culture"
Social Media Apps I Love and Some Thoughts on "The Biggies"

Expanding Your Del.icio.us Portfolio

A few months ago I wrote a post on how to use del.ico.us to create an online portfolio. Yesterday Will Richardson posted that he'd used the idea to create his own portfolio, adding a couple of twists.

First he suggested that he could repurpose the tag feed by pulling it into a Pageflakes (or Netvibes) tab. That's a great idea and one that could work really well if you wanted to use the concept for maintaining eportfolios as part of a class. Each person could set up their own portfolio tag and then the instructor could aggregate all the feeds into a single tab. This would also be a great way for a manager to see the work of employees. Again, each worker sets up his/her own portfolio tag and then the manager can create an aggregate tab for all of them.

Will's other helpful suggestion is to create more detailed tags--for example, "michelemartinblogposts" or "michelemartinpresentations." These could then be bundled, making it easier to see the different segments of the portfolio.

Sarah Stewart also had a great idea. She created her portfolio in Wikispaces, but set up a del.ico.us portfolio to keep track of her citations. Then she embedded a widget in her Wikispaces portfolio to pull the citation feeds over into Wikispaces. This makes it much easier for her to keep track of her citations and have them automatically added to her portfolio.

One of the things I love about blogging--we can build on an initial idea to make it even better!


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That is good idea of Will's because I was thinking how I could differentiate between my personal work and the citations about my work.

This great piece of advice will be sent to one member of a group I'm mentoring who is interesting in how to make the most of delicious tagging. Wiki widget is an easy way to aggregate into a share space.

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