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Web 2.0 Wednesday: What Would You Do With 37 Days?

37_inside_bk300_2 Last week I took a little break from Web 2.0 Wednesdays to ask if it's something we should continue.

Although I didn't intend this initially, what I realized afterward is that by posting that question and having a discussion about it with you in comments, we engaged in one of the more meaningful activities that occurs courtesy of Web 2.0. We were able to, as an international group of learners interested in shared learning, reflect on the value of an experience and discuss whether or not it should continue. That, in itself, was an experiment in using Web 2.0 for learning, wasn't it? Aren't I clever? :-)

That said, you've convinced me that we should continue, even if some weeks there's a lot of activity and some weeks things are pretty quiet, so let's get started.

What Would You Do if You Had Only 37 Days?
Patti Digh is one of my all-time favorite bloggers. She is incredibly thoughtful and provocative (in the best sense of that word), always getting me to think.

On September 2, she'll be publishing her book, LIFE IS A VERB: 37 Days to Wake Up, Be Mindful, and Live Intentionally. In celebration of that event, she's asking readers to to imagine and share what they would do if they had only 37 days left to live. From Patti's blog (note--Patti is the one giving away books, not me!):

That day will come for all of us someday--one morning, perhaps today, we'll wake up and that will be Day 1 of the last 37 days of our life. We try to deny that reality in so very many ways, but it remains a fact of life. So imagine that today is your Day 1. What would you do in those last 37 days?

What is the real, simple human answer, not the made-for-TV-movie answer? And what's the "37days: Do it Now Challenge" that emerges from your answer to that question?

Submit your contribution to this crazy quilt we are building (a piece of art, a photograph, an essay no longer than 370 words, or a video no longer than 2 minutes) via email to pattidigh (at) gmail (dot) com between now and August 15th. Thirty-seven of the entries will be chosen to receive a personalized and signed copy of LIFE IS A VERB when it is released on September 2nd -- and as many as possible will be posted on 37days! Let's just say that ALL of them will receive something to say "thank you" for celebrating with me! 

And two people who submit a contribution will receive a signed copy of my new book, along with a full set of LIFE IS A VERB tiles, to celebrate my last-birthday-in-my-40s on August 16th!

So here's how this ties in with Web 2.0 Wednesday--share with us, using a Web 2.0 tool, what you would do with your final 37 days. (You might want to check out Cog Dog's 50 Storytelling Tools to give you some ideas of where to start),  Tag your contribution with "web2.0wednesday" so we can see what everyone comes up with.

Don't think of this as morbid. Think of it as an opportunity to reflect on what's REALLY important to you. Also be sure to check out the story behind 37 Days, as well as the rest of Patti's incredible blog.  I'm looking forward to seeing everyone's creations!


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Hi, Michele! I'm delighted you've chosen to continue Web 2.0 Wednesdays! And, I too enjoy the work of Patti Digh. I was fortunate enough to attend a session on inclusion that she delivered with David Robinson recently for our local ASTD chapter - it was brilliant!!

Keep up the great work, Michele!

Shari <--- one of your many fans :-)

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