Holiday Thankfulness
Given that it's the holiday season, I wanted to publicly acknowledge and thank all of the wonderful people I've met through my online experiences in the past year. This year has been rich in learning for me and it's because of all of you. I especially want to thank (in no particular order):
- The 31 Days to Building a Better Blog crew and the BBB community.
- The women of Beyond the Glass Ceiling.
- Christine Martell who has been an invaluable source of support and inspiration and who gave me the lovely new pic in the sidebar as a X-mas present.
- Rosetta Thurman, who has taught me so much about leadership and who was a HUGE help in setting up our retreat earlier this month.
- Cammy Bean, who has made me laugh so many times, as well as impressed me with her thinking about instructional design and elearning.
- Beth Kanter, who is always ready with advice, information or a contact for just about any occasion.
- Robin Reagler, who has been a great supporter, commenter and friend and who is a beautiful writer to boot.
- Sue Waters, who burst into my life in August and has become a whirlwind of information and resources that I can always rely on.
- Kivi Leroux Miller, who patiently answers my questions about business-related matters like online shopping carts and who inspires everyone with the Carnival of Nonprofit Consultants.
- Danielle B, Kate Foy, Tom Haskins, Christy Tucker, and Laura Whitehead who always leave me thoughtful, thought-provoking comments and who give me much to think about on their blogs.
- Glenn Ross, who sends me good bits of information and provides me with great feedback.
- Everyone who reads The Bamboo Project, especially those of you who take the time to comment and/or email me to share your ideas and opinions.
Thanks to everyone! Let's keep trying to make a difference in the world!
If you enjoy this blog, please make a donation to the Sharing Foundation to help Cambodian children move out of poverty. Ten dollars--the cost of a couple of lattes--can bring them education and a route to a better life.
Thanks for the link love. I've learned a lot from you and this community this year. You've given me lots to think about, and that's a wonderful gift!
Posted by: Christy Tucker | December 24, 2007 at 11:15 AM
I'm so thankful everyday because I know you and reading your blog!
Happy holidays
Posted by: Beth Kanter | December 24, 2007 at 07:05 PM
I'm so touched! (And I didn't even get an iPod Touch, like you...)
Thank you for sharing all of your insights with all of us. I have learned from and been inspired and supported by you in so many ways.
Bless the Blog-o-sphere!
Posted by: Cammy Bean | December 27, 2007 at 04:12 PM
You are so kind, Michele. I'm equally thankful for you!
Posted by: Kivi Miller | December 31, 2007 at 11:57 AM