The Art and Practice of Blogging at the SIETAR Conference
Blogging at SIETAR

More Blogging Advice--The Link Love Edition

Heading into another bad week, so bear with me my friends. I'm still trying to catch up from last week and the many unread feeds, as well as prepare for several 12-hour days in my immediate future. That said, it's time to spread some link love (taking a page from Maya Norton's book).

Mostly on blogging with a tool or two thrown in:

  • Yedda Q&A Widget--from Amy Gahran. Not totally sure how this works, but it looks kind of cool.
  • Lijit Search Widget--Also from Amy, who says it may be a good start toward addressing her "me collector" issue.

And an interesting conversation from Tony Karrer: Is anyone using blogs or social networks for new hires? Be sure to read the comments. Good ideas in there. I agree with Tony that this seems like a no-brainer. The better question might be "Why WOULDN'T You Use Blogs or Social Networks with New Hires?"


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Thanks for the link Michele!

Thanks for all the great tips, Soha!

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