31 Days to a Better Blog Bonus Lesson: 5 Tips on Using Reflection to Improve Your Learning
Getting Your Nonprofit Online for Free With Wetpaint

Tools and Resources for Blogging and Buzz Monitoring

Computers A few tools and resources hanging out in my feed reader:

26 Free Tools for Buzz Monitoring
Most companies already know that they should be monitoring the Web to see what's being said about them. Others may not realize this is becoming a necessity. Whether you're a nonprofit looking to see what bloggers think of your cause or an individual wondering what people might find about you online, these tools can help. (Via Marketing Pilgrim)

Top 10 Cool, Easy-to-Use Poll and Survey Tools for Your Blog or Website
Soha El-Borno has been blowing me away lately with her really practical, helpful posts. In this one, she describes 10 polling tools that you can use to engage readers and get instant feedback. (Via Wild Apricot)

A Blogging Editorial Calendar
Gerard McGarry explains why planful blogging is best and links to Andy Wibbel's downloadable editorial calendar. One less excuse to put off planning blog articles. (Via Problogger)

Getting Started In Blogging and Improving Your Blogging Effectiveness
Sue Waters' Guides for beginning and intermediate bloggers, including a Quick Start 5-Day Plan for beginners. Really good stuff, especially for edubloggers.  (Via Mobile Technology in TAFE).


Happy Saturday!

Photo via aranarth


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Great resources round-up! I've been brainstorming about blog editorial calendars and Gerrard McGarry's post is just what I need. Thanks!

Great, Soha-it was something that I actually needed, too, so I was glad that I found it. :-)

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