Alternatives to September 11

Build Your Free Nonprofit Website with Wetpaint Part Three: Getting Started with Wetpaint

Build_with_wetpaint_7 This week I'm showing you how you can use Wetpaint to set up a free nonprofit website. Monday we looked at why it makes sense to use a Wetpaint wiki to set up a site.

Tuesday we looked at a couple of examples of organizations that are using Wetpaint as a website.

Now I'm going to start showing you how to set up your own Wetpaint site.

In today's 6 minute screencast, I'll walk you through how to:

  • Get your site set up
  • Select your design style
  • Decide on editing permissions
  • Set up your Wetpaint account

One note about the screencast--I created it using Screencast-o-matic, which I like for "down-and-dirty" work where I'm trying to get something up and shared quickly. The audio is a little jumpy in places, but still fine for getting through the basics.  I know the audiophiles will cringe, but sometimes you have to go with the "good enough" solution, rather than the perfect one. In this case, if I'd pushed for perfect, we wouldn't have a post for today!

Also--you may want to visit the screencast on the Screencast-o-matic site. There you can jump to specific parts of the screencast and add notes and comments.

Getting Started with Wetpaint Screencast

Action Items

  • Go to Wetpaint and set up a basic site for yourself.
  • If you want, you can go ahead and start playing around with it. Or you can wait until tomorrow when I go over some of the basics of how to add content. You really don't have to wait, though, as it really is pretty easy to figure out.
  • Come back here and leave a comment or drop me an email to let me know how it went. I'd also like to hear if the screencast was helpful or not and any questions you may have.

In tomorrow's post, we'll start to actually build your content, so be sure you have a few pages of stuff you'd like to put into your site to get started.


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I've been out of it - but delighted to come back and see your screencast! Yeha!

Thanks, Beth--we're glad to have you back!

sounds like this could be a cool idea

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