Build Your Free Nonprofit Website with Wetpaint Part Four: Adding Basic Content to Your Site
Personal Learning Experiments as Professional Development

Build Your Free Nonprofit Website with Wetpaint Part Five: Administrative Settings

Build_with_wetpaint_3Today is the last day in our series on how to build a nonprofit website using Wetpaint. In this screencast I give a brief overview of the administrative settings, including adding Google Analytics and setting up a domain name.

As with the past screencasts, you may want to visit the version I have at Screencastomatic, where I've added notes to mark the different segments of the screencast.

I hope that this series was helpful and answered at least some basic questions about using a wiki to set up a nonprofit website. Let me know if you try it and how it works for you.


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Hi Michele! Thanks for this - great stuff! Next week I'm doing a training workshop for small nonprofits looking at different ways to get a website and understand and have a play with the different tools available! I'll be highlighting this!

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