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Build Your Free Nonprofit Website with Wetpaint Part Five: Administrative Settings

Build Your Free Nonprofit Website with Wetpaint Part Four: Adding Basic Content to Your Site

Build_with_wetpaint_8We're back this week with the final two posts on how to build a nonprofit website using Wetpaint. Last week, I showed you how to get started with your site. Today we're going to actually start adding content.

A Few Key Points
Before you take a look at today's screencast, (expect some jumpy audio like in the first screencast) a couple of points I wanted to make:

  • In the screencast, I suggest that you can use one of the pre-done Wetpaint site templates that will automatically set up some key pages for you. After I did the screencast, though, I realized that you can't remove the site header when you choose a site template, so instead, you should start with a blank site--don't use the template option!  (This is what happens when I have about 6 different projects going on at once!)
  • This screencast gives a really quick overview of some of the basic tools in Wetpaint. I highly encourage you to go through Wetpaint's excellent Orientation that is available through the site you build in the right toolbar once you get it set up. It will show you how to go through most of the features and activities.

Adding Content To Your Wetpaint Site Screencast

Action Items

  • Start editing your site to include your own content. Try to at least finish your home page and one or two additional pages.
  • Let me know what questions you have and also if the screencast was helpful in getting things started.

Tomorrow is going to be the last day and we'll cover some of the more "advanced" features of using Wetpaint, like using your own domain name and adding Google Analytics to your site.


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