31 Days to a Better Blog--Email a Long-Time Reader and Plan for the Week
Social Bookmarking in Plain English--Another Common Craft Winner

Want to Help Visitors Find Content on Your Site? Use Google's Customized Search

Google_custom_search_sm_2 Looking for a way to help your visitors search your blog or website for the content they want? Tags are one answer, at least on a blog. But as we know, not everyone understands how to use tags.

To the rescue rides Emily Turner over at World Grows Wide who has posted an excellent set of instructions for setting up Google's Customized Search Engine and embedding it into your site. Clear and easy to follow.

I've put this on my To-Do List to add after the 31 Day Challenge is over as I'm worried about the clutter in my sidebars right now.


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Thanks for the link, Michele!

Your 31 day challenge is quite invigorating, btw. I would like to take part, but am utterly snowed-under at the moment. I just have to keep reminding myself to post the useful stuff I come across!

I am hoping that once we've launched our PhilanthropyWiki, I'll have more time to spend blogging (though, it'll probably end up that I'll just be spending all that time being the support desk for people who'll then be using the 'Wiki...)

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