Stop Trying to Create the Perfect Blog
31 Days to a Better Blog Day 31: Run a S.W.O.T. Analysis on Your Blog

Celebrating Blog Day

Blog Day 2007

I forgot until just now, but August 31 is Blog Day, the day when we recognize blogs that are new to us as a way of building community and getting to know other bloggers. Seems a perfect fit with the 31 Days to Building a Better Blog project, too. So without further ado, first the rules:

  1. Find 5 new Blogs that you find interesting
  2. Notify the 5 bloggers that you are recommending them as part of BlogDay 2007
  3. Write a short description of the Blogs and place a link to the recommended Blogs
  4. Post the BlogDay Post (on August 31st) and
  5. Add the BlogDay tag using this link:
           and a link to the BlogDay web site at       

And here are my favorite new blogs (with most of these, you get to see the more eclectic side of Michele):

1. Mission to Learn--Found this originally because of a link back to me and was immediately drawn in by the quality of Jeff Cobb's thinking and writing. As soon as I read the mission, I knew I needed to add this one to Netvibes.

2. Big Window--Robin Reagler is a busy women--nonprofit director, mother, partner and blogger in TWO locations, The Other Mother (also a good read) and Big Window.   What I like about Big Window is its beautiful look (never thought of having two different colored sidebars, but it works!) and its purpose "a glimpse at something beautiful"--which turns out to be some gorgeous photos. Very inspirational.

3. 52 Projects--This was actually a "re-find" for me. Love its premise--all of the various projects that people are working on. Largely artistic/crafty kinds of things, but also blogs on writing, books, etc. I can get lost over there and being a project kind of girl myself, there's just something about the title.

4. Design Your Writing Life--Lisa Gates is a life coach who writes about a lot of the personal development topics that interest me, like how to create a life you love to live. Definitely worth the read, especially for women who want to figure some things out for themselves.

5. Self-Portrait Challenge--I'm continually amazed by how our own internal views of ourselves can so radically differ from what others see in us. Most people think I'm an outgoing extrovert because that's a lot of how I have to be in my work life. In reality I'm quite shy and introverted. Self Portrait Challenge is all about how people see themselves through photos and art. Some really beautiful and provocative work here. This may have to be one of my next projects.

So that's how I'm celebrating Blog Day. Hope you recognized it, too.


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Wow, what a happy surprise to find myself here today. Thank you Michelle. I too had forgotten about this blog day thing -- but ironically I have a post I've been working on about all the Personal Development sites. Perfect timing, and thanks for the reminder!

Uh oh! Woke up to the first day of spring (September 1) and I've missed Blog Day. Kind of ironic, since I spent most of yesterday mulling over my SWOT analysis, and working on a new blog. Thanks for the Blog Day tasks. Hope you had/are having a great day!

Hi Lisa and Kate--glad I reminded you about Blog Day. Also glad to count both of you in my "blogs I admire" group!

Thanks so much for mentioning -- it is truly an honor to have my blog recognized on YOUR informative,inspiring blog.

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