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Three Ways to Stand Out From the Crowd

Cutting through attention clutter can be challenging. Three ideas from my feedreader for getting noticed:

  • Re-design your business cards--This Flickr photoset has some REALLY cool ideas for business cards. Some may not be completely practical, but they can still spark some great ideas. And while we're on the subject of using design to stand out, I highly recommend DIY: Design It Yourself. Not only will you get interesting design ideas for business cards, you'll also find inspiration for your blog, e-books, media packets, etc. Good stuff.
  • Sound more confident when you leave a voicemail--The next time you leave a message on someone's cell, press the # key to listen to your message before you hang up. According to this Lifehack article, 99% of the time, you'll be able to listen to your message and re-record it if it doesn't sound right. And apparently most of us don't sound as great as we think we do, so there are some tips for improving your message as well. Good way to leave a better first impression and stand out from those who don't check to see how they sound.


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