Culture of Training vs. Culture of Learning
Carnival of Nonprofit Consultants

23 Things--Web 2.0 Lessons Remixed for Nonprofits

A few weeks ago I mentioned the idea of doing a 23 Things Remix for Learning Web 2.0 in Nonprofits. Well, in my "spare time," (ha!) I've started building a 23 Things Remixed Wiki to do this and I think I'm ready to "go public."

A couple of comments:

  • The primary audience would be nonprofit staff who have little or no exposure to Web 2.0 tools. Like the original 23 Things, I want the exercises to be relatively short and easy to understand and get through. I want people to feel like these are little learning experiments in which they can easily engage without a large commitment of time or energy--at least at first. If they become absorbed in one or more of the tools and want to spend more time, all the better.
  • Right now I have three "lessons" in the wiki. One is on why people may want to learn how to use new technologies. Another is on dealing with technophobia in learning. These topics weren't covered in the original 23 Things, but based on my experiences in the nonprofit and government sectors, I thought they could be useful. I've also done a lesson on RSS, in part because of the great video from Common Craft I pointed to earlier this week. (UPDATE--I've now created two lessons in the RSS category, as I think I had too much included in one)
  • I've set up the lessons to have a Discover section and a Reflect section. The Discover section is meant to provide people with some kind of exposure to a tool or concept and then in the Reflect section, they think through a few ideas or questions related to the activity. I wanted to make sure that people didn't get so caught up in "action" that they didn't take a little time to think. Any  feedback on that breakdown, as well as on the activities and questions is appreciated. You can add your thoughts in comments on the specific lesson page, or email me.

This is most definitely a work in progress. I'm going to try to add and refine as time permits.

Of course,  since I used Wikispaces and left it open to anyone, if you're interested in contributing a lesson or two, feel free. The list of potential lessons is on the home page. If you're not familiar with how to use Wikispaces, here are the basic instructions.

Now hit me with your feedback!


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Michele - this is a terrific initiative that starts to turn all the general web 2.0 explanations into something really practical. I love the way that if you wait a bit people do the stuff you need for you:-)

Hmmm--I never thought about it that way, but you're right. Of course, if you're the impatient type like me. . . Thanks for the feedback, David.

LIke minds think alike -- A few weeks ago I did a variation of this called "Ten Steps To Web2.0" - a remix of remix of Marnie's presentation on social change and web 2.0

I have ten lessons - more or less. I had to this for a course I was teaching.

PS .. I used the Michael Wesch video too. It was an online seminar -- so I had people type into the chat while they watching it what they thought the themes of web2.0 were. What was great is that it matched what I had on the next few slides. It made it a little interactive too.

I also created a few slides that showed how to define Web2.0 using web2.0 resources ...

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