People Love to Learn, But Hate to Be Taught
Creating a Learning Climate for Nonprofit Staff

March Blogtipping

As promised, I'm taking up Kivi's blogtipping challenge. The brainchild of Easton Ellsworth at Business BlogWire, blogtipping is a first of the month "tip of the hat" to three blogs you want to give exposure to.  You name three things you like about the blog and provide one tip. This time I want to highlight "smaller" blogs in the nonprofit world that I like but who don't have the same wide exposure as say a Beth's Blog.

World Grows Wide is a brand-spanking new blog started by Emily Turner who is active in the Australian philanthropy sector, working with Australian foundations. Emily has left several really insightful comments on my blog and we've had some great e-mail exchanges, so I was glad when she started up her own blog. She seems incredibly bright and thoughtful and I'm looking forward to seeing how her blog develops. Three things I like about what she has so far:

  • The blog is clean and well-designed. Emily has a degree in Creative Arts and her design sense and training shows. I feel very "Zen" when I visit.
  • If Emily's comments, e-mails and her first blog post are any indication, she is a thoughtful writer who really thinks through the implications of things. Although I'm always a fan of practical quick tips, etc., I also love a blogger who's thoughtful. It's the difference between fast food and a gourmet meal for me.
  • She's willing to be open and transparent about the state of her industry and where she sees challenges and issues. The first step to fixing problems is to acknowledge that they exist and I like that Emily is clear and honest about the challenges she's dealing with.

The one tip I would offer Emily is to continue being open and transparent and to share her knowledge of the internal workings of what's happening in her organization and with other philanthropies. We don't get a lot of "meta-analysis" of the nonprofit world and I think she can really add value in that arena.

Random Thoughts on Life and Work  is written by a "nonprofit development professional" from the Southeast United States. He shares articles he's reading, resources and his personal experiences in working with a nonprofit. Three things I like about the blog are:

  • His current series on the process mapping that he's doing with his organization. He's been giving us a peek inside his organization's struggle to understand their processes so they can redesign the work flow and jobs to be more efficient and that's an incredibly valuable story to share.
  • His willingness to share specific tools and strategies that his organization is using.
  • That he seems to find stories that I'm not reading about elsewhere. Always valuable from a blogger.

My one tip--I wish he was able to write more often. I know that it's hard to maintain a frequent posting schedule, but I'd love to hear from Rallyfan more than a few times a month.

Dollar Philanthropy "is an effort to harness the power of the blogosphere to create a network individuals who will donate a single dollar each week to a reputable nonprofit organization." What I like about Carol Kirshner's blog:

  • It's a cool idea--focusing on the small donor ("give a dollar a day") and then featuring lesser-known charities that could benefit from readers' dollars.
  • She started a Guest Blogger feature that's kind of cool.

My tip is that I'd like to see more of those Guest Bloggers, as I think that can be a fun way to cross-pollinate between bloggers.

OK--so that was my first Blogtipping Round. I'm going to actually start thinking about April now--it's HARD to pull all this together when I'm also on deadline to get other things out. I'm trying hard this year to not make and then break blog promises (that whole "I'm going to do a thorough synopsis of Made to Stick" is still hanging over my head), so I think I'll have to start getting ready NOW for next month's selection.

P.S.--Go read Kivi's blogtips for March.

UPDATE--Michelle of Zen and the Art of Nonprofit Technology joins in, too .


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Yes, let's spread the link love! Just stopping by here to grab the info for the Wiki Carnival to post ..

Thanks Michele! I think it'll take a while to get into the swing of how to write about internal issues. I'm kind of looking forward to feeling my way around.

Thanks for the plug. I am trying!! Work, family, board member, webmaster, and two blogs. I know, excuses, excuses.

Keep up the good work!

Rallyfan--no pressure! Just wanted you to know that I enjoy what you share. And Emily, I'm looking forward to seeing how you work your way into things. From what I've seen it will be an interesting ride!

Awesome stuff. I'm thrilled to see so many great links and tips flying all over the place. Way to go, Michele!

WOW! Thanks for the link love and the feedback. Sometimes blogging feels like an echo chamber-- you say stuff but sometimes it seems like you're just hearing your own voice. Thanks again!-- Carol

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