101 Ways to Practice Blogging
Earlier I wrote about creating a climate of learning within your nonprofit and mentioned 23 Things, a series of mini lessons designed to help staff get comfortable with Web 2.0 and social media. This morning I noticed this article on 101 Great Blog Posting Ideas to Make Your Blog Sizzle in the nptech del.ico.us feed and it occurred to me that many of them would make great mini exercises for staff to practice with in developing their own blogs.
Some of my favorites:
- Write a tutorial.
- Do a write-up of an interview with someone in your professional niche.
- Do a “speedlinking” post.
- Write a post by examining the pros and cons of an issue.
- Make a post that solves a problem.
- Make a post that is inspirational.
- Debunk a myth in your post.
- Make a post for beginners.
- Make a post for advanced readers
- Create a mission statement for your blog.
- Make a post simplifying a complex problem for your readers.
- Create a guide for your niche.
I could see sending this list to staff and inviting them to write a post or two a week trying out different ideas from the list. For some of them you might want to create a group blog or wiki. For example, if you have staff write a tutorial, then all of the tutorials could be gathered together into a wiki that staff could continue to access. If you use wikispaces, this could be done even more easily, as wikispaces allows you to automatically create a wiki entry from a blog post.
Lots of possibilities here that I think would be fun to explore as an organizational learning experience.