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Good Neighbors Blogtip the First of Every Month

Kivi is spreading a new meme--blogtipping on the first of each month:

"Here is what you do. On the first of each month, pick three blogs that you want to give some exposure to on your blog. For each one, list three things you like and provide one helpful tip. Short little bullets are fine. No lengthy analysis required. Tag your post “blogtipping” so the founder of this concept, Easton Ellsworth at Business Blogwire, knows you are participating. Let me know too, by commenting with your blogtipping permalink on either this post or on my upcoming blogtip post on 3/1/07. If enough people in the nonprofit sector participate, maybe we can come up with our own tag."

Tomorrow's March 1st (also my younger daughter's 15th birthday!), so let's join in. Pick three favorite blogs, list three things you like and provide one tip for the blogger. I'm going to tag mine with npblogtipping to differentiate from other blogtippers. Let's see what we get.


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Thanks for joining the mayhem, Michele!

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