A Hiatus
Building Nonprofit Networks Part Six: Creating Collective Value with Individuals

The 59 Smartest Orgs Online

Via Seth Godin, NetSquared, Get Active and NetSquared have teamed up to identify 59 nonprofits that are making the best use Web 2.0 practices.

"These charities were chosen for their excellence in online storytelling and collaboration with their donors. We didn't play favorites to one cause over another, nor did we look at their fundraising goals or number of members. Instead, these organizations are winners because of their web 2.0 smarts and a willingness to engage their constituents far beyond asking them to dig into their pockets.

These are organizations that give their volunteers and members a voice and get out of the way. They're pros at mobilizing awareness online. They're experimenters. Innovators. On a mission. They're fearless."

Haven't had a chance to do more than browse briefly, but some interesting examples here that underscore my belief that Web 2.0 is as much about the values of transparency and community as it is the actual tools. Although these nonprofits do a nice job with the tools, too.

P.S. My week-long hiatus stretched out a little longer than I planned, for a variety of reasons. I plan to post more regularly again, although perhaps not as frequently. I also will be going in some different directions with the blog, bringing in some things I've been working on and thinking about for the past several weeks. Still lots of tech, but some other ideas, too.


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Nice to see you back to blogging. Breaks are good though.

I never got to thank you for this article. I forwarded the link to my boss and ED. They took to it tremendously. We're using one of the orgs there as an example for our upcoming website. Not only that, they're going to Seth's next talk. Kudos.

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